Who We Are

We’re Bryan and Debra Gray, welcome to our little space on the web!  We hope you are here to “add venture” to your life, just as we have decided to do…allow me to share how we got here, and where we hope we are going!  

2023 was a ROUGH year for our family.  You could call it a tipping point of sorts, but our personal journey to this place started way before.  As a couple, we have been together over 26 years (married for 25).  Over those two plus decades, we have raised 3 wonderful children, experienced numerous combat deployments (Bryan), learned our way through a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis (Debra), and then Debra fought breast cancer all through 2023.  

What we've learned

On so many occasions, we have been shown just how precious life is…and how quickly things can change…and potentially end.   There is a lot to experience in this world, and we owe it to ourselves to experience it.  Unfortunately, we got stuck chasing “the American dream”.  However, we woke up to the fact that dream was more of a trap that kept us working 40+ hours a week to make ends meet, to keep up with the Jones’s, and to survive each day.  We knew there had to be more out there.  We have a thirst to enjoy this world, and all of its experiences….while still healthy, mobile, and able to do so.  We need adventure.  

We quickly realized it wouldn’t come easy.  This would take action.  We needed to “add” it to our life.  We needed to add venture.  What would we do?  Where would we go?  

A grand start

Bryan happened across a documentary on groups of people who have traveled the longest drivable route in the world.  Beginning in Prudhoe Bay, AK and ending on the southern tip of Argentina.  Could we?  Yes, we think we can!  

The Pan-American Highway

We hope you will travel along as we embark on our firs major venture.  We are excited to share it all with the world.  

Join us for our grayt add•ventures